feminism, sensory saturdays, yours truly

sensory saturdays

Just in case you missed the introductory post about the direction of “Sensory Saturdays,” here’s a brief synopsis – it’s simply a weekly feature in which I take note of, as the title suggests (quite cleverly, might I add, with my usage of alliteration!), sensory experiences and whatever else I feel necessary to update, in list form.

{+} My favorite little meal combo – eaten at Au Bon Pain, no less – consists of one medium, iced chai tea latté and a cinnamon scone. Their iced chai is absolutely delightful, so good I’d render it the best I’ve had yet, and their cinnamon scone… mm. Indescribable. Sprinkled with cinnamon sugar atop a crust, and filled with light yet buttery goodness of sweet bread with cinnamon chips in every bite. Carbs and caffeine are my favorite combination. I could live on the two.

{+} Hummus with French bread or in a pita wrap with tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber is perhaps one of the greatest foods out there.

{+} I love it when boys say cute things, like telling me on beautiful. Or, more specifically, leaving a message of that sort on my door. #boyssaythedarndestthings!

{+} I need a good trip to New York City. No plans necessary, just an entire day (and evening!) spent wandering the streets and seeing where my feet take me.

{+} Found this post a while ago on [BlogTitleHere]‘s tumblr on why women should be heartbreakers. It puts things into perspective for us all, and, long story short, is pretty much fantastic. So go on, ladies. Embrace that your inner coquette, be coy, and flirt with life.

{+} I. Need. To. See. This. Film. ASAP. (!!) I’m a sucker for anything Moulin Rouge + sexy & provocative + dancing + singing related. And Christina Aguilera is in it.

. . .

bises! x

{image via}


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