feminism, lifestyle, pearls of wisdom, philosophy, thoughts, yours truly

“…shoulda put a ring on it…”

Just give me a really big closet!” said Carrie to Big.

I was once talking to a [guy] friend about how unnecessary and excessive I thought a diamond ring was – in regards to marriage, that is. I’m not a fan of the conventional or tradition, really, and if wanted a diamond ring, I wanted to get it for me. That rock would be from me, to me. I hate when others indulge or pamper me. If I want to be spoiled, it will be from my own wallet!

I’ve been on this whole self-love campaign lately, and though at the risk of sounding repetitive, I’m willing to say it again: You have to love and accept you – in essence, marrying yourself – before you can commit to any one person for the rest of your life.

But I digress. I told him I’d rather something more practical. A simple silver band would be sufficient enough (I’m already an avid cocktail ring wearer). Or, better yet, profess your love to me with a bag. A great, big bag. Black, soft, buttery leather. It’s practical. I’d use it everyday, and carrying it in the crook of my arm would be far better than a ring on my finger.

He laughed. And said I was weird (which I’m not denying; I prefer unconventional, though).

At least I’m not asking for a big closet! I’m a practical girl, I tell you.

. . .

bises! x

{image via tumblr}


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