beauty, consumption, shoppables, shopping!

the perfect nude: ysl rouge pur couture

The perfect nude is hard to come by – it’s requires either a search of unlimited patience, or rides entirely on luck. Too pink. Too orange. Too brown. Too chalky. Et cetera. Rosy browns and mauves are my choice of color – they’re effortless. Natural. No endless amounts of squatting on the floor of Sephora, swatching and swiping until my lips grow raw at the repetitive process.

There’s a saying passed amongst women, when talking about men, of course. It’s when you’re not looking, that things – men – come your way. Things – men – fall into your lap and in line when you least expect. So the popular advice goes. 

And so it was without any intentions I walked past a Yves Saint Laurent counter and fell for a beautiful lipstick. One look and I knew it was right – a feeling that comes after you know yourself well. A smooth formula that glides into the lips; just pigmented enough, but not heavy, in a warm, pale nude with a peach undertone. It’s complete and absolute heaven and, moreover, is so delicious to wear. Beautiful with a caramel tan, and just as lovely with a paler complexion.

I think I can safely say that lipsticks are in the same category as lingerie and books – things I have no self control towards whatsoever.

I’ll have you know: I have no intentions of refraining from these indulgences.

YSL Rouge Pur Couture no. 6 “Rose Bergamasque”

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P.S.: For ladies with a pink or even neutral undertone, YSL’s Rouge Pur Couture in no. 10, “Beige Tribute,” would look stunning. It’s an irresistible milky pink-beige.

{pictures via moi}


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